Butterfly Project College Scholarships

Providing college scholarships for young women to brighten their futures and their communities

The mission of the Butterfly Project scholarship fund is to provide college education opportunities for young East African women committed to serving their rural communities through careers in education or nursing but lack financial resources to pursue their dreams.

Scholarship recipients are outstanding young women who commit to using their newly-gained skills in their impoverished communities while serving as a role model to young girls.

The Butterfly Project Scholarship started in 2007 and over 24 young women completed their education and are now working within the community.

Education plays a crucial role in poverty reduction, especially for girls.

Key challenges for female education in Kenya:

  • Domestic responsibilities and the onset of menstruation cause girls to drop out of school at an earlier age than boys
  • Social norms discourage female education
  • The distance students have to travel to attend school creates safety concerns for girls making them vulnerable to rape
  • Gender biases reinforce low expectations that are placed on girls

Benefits of female education:

  • Education increases economic productivity
  • Educated women marry later, have fewer children, and are more likely to use effective methods of contraception
  • The more educated the mother, the lower the risk of maternal mortality and the healthier the child.  Child mortality falls by about eight percent for each additional year of parental schooling
  • Educational gender equality improves economic and social development

A girl’s limited access to education reinforces gender inequalities.  As a result, women traditionally have limited involvement in national and community decisions, even when they are directly affected.

FAQ about the Butterfly Project Scholarship and our approach

What criteria are considered when choosing a candidate?

Candidates are bright, motivated young women with a commitment to become role models for other girls in their community by working in their community clinic and schools. Meet some of the inspiring applicants – Butterfly Project Scholarship recipients!

How are candidates identified beyond their motivation? 

Our partners in Kenya make the recommendation for candidates. The Directors give the scholarship applications to young women, provide them access to the internet and document their test scores. Candidates are all supervised by the Directors of our partner organizations.

What questions are asked on the candidate application? 

The scholarship application helps to document their life and the challenges in getting an education. Most importantly what they would do to give back to their community if they were to receive a scholarship.

What do we look for in a candidate beyond their qualifications in becoming a nurse or teacher?

Our goal is to identify young women who will become role models for girls in their community. We look for young women who will encourage girls to strive to be professional women who have a positive and respected role in their community.



 Each Butterfly Scholarship recipient is provided with $1,450 USD which covers school fees for a two-year education or nursing program.

Donations are accepted anytime, in any amount.  When this fund reaches $1,450 USD, a call for applications goes out to young women in the community. The chosen recipient begins her studies the following semester.

Donate $25, $100, or  $500 to contribute towards the fund.

Donate $1,450 to support a young woman through college today.

For more information regarding volunteering opportunities supporting women’s education, please visit Common Ground for Africa.