Today when I went in to Oronkai Primary School, the headmaster met me and told me he had to show me some things. I went into his office and he pulled out this box full of bubble stuff, pipe cleaners, yo-yo’s, and various other toys. He told me they had been sent from abroad but he had no idea what they were or what to do with them and neither did anyone else. I told him they were toys and I would be happy to demonstrate, so he gave me the box and sent me off to show them to the kids. I set up outside and soon had a large gathering of curious students. I took out the bubble stuff and began blowing bubbles. Soon they were all screaming in delight and backing away from the bubbles in disbelief. I let them make bubbles themselves and showed them how to twist pipe cleaners and play with yo-yo’s. Although it was totally chaotic and I did not have a translator, it was a fun day. I never thought I would find myself in a place where a yo-yo is a foreign object.
Lydia Taylor
January 2006