I have just returned to Nairobi after spending five weeks with the Village Volunteers Common Ground and Namunyak Maasai Welfare projects, and hundreds of things are going through my head….
The main emotion right now is sadness at having to not only leave the programs, but I’m already missing the many people that I had the great fortune of meeting and working with. During my stay, I worked with a number of volunteers, and none of us were ready to go “home”, so my feelings are definitely not unique. It doesn’t take long for Africa to plant a seed in your heart, that’s for sure!
I came to Africa knowing that I would probably learn more from the people here, than I could possibly ever
repay through advice, education, business training, etc. and I was right. I also came to Africa with a “plan” on what I hoped to accomplish and be involved with, and though many of those specific ideas did not come to pass, I know that what I did get involved with was more important to those people involved.
I began my stay at Common Ground, just outside of Kitale in the west of Kenya, and was met with open arms by everyone… from the 300 students at the onsite school, to the other volunteers, to the employees at the program, and especially by the head of the program, Joshua and his family. Though African culture and way of life is significantly different than the western culture I was raised in, it only took a few hours for me to start marveling at the beauty of the Kenyan culture, and I quickly forgot where I had come from a short few hours before.
This feeling continued as I traveled to the Namunyak Maasai Welfare project, where I was fortunate to meet and work with Emmanuel. He has a very clear vision of what he believes the people of his district can achieve by working together, and all of the people I met there are personally committed to doing their part to making this vision come to fruition.
The excitement that we were met with from everyone that we worked with: the widow’s groups, the youth groups, the woman’s groups, etc made my heart very warm!
I know I’m not alone in saying that I’m already looking forward to my next visit to see these very special people!
– Ian Crump