At the outset, this article does not claim erudition on the vast subject of the importance of girls’ and women’s education in the 21st century. Nor is it an endless ramble of facts around women’s education for the reader to digest, like the fact that... read more
By Joshua Machinga The chronic diseases of our era—from heart disease and diabetes to cancer and obesity—have their roots in nutrition. But it’s easily overlooked that nutrition has its roots in agriculture, in the very soil the food is grown in. Healthy soil grows... read more
By Sharon Simaloa Leina I count myself lucky to be a millennial. It is a privilege to be part of a generation that reaps the benefits of centuries of work and struggle around gender and racial equality. I feel that this stage we have arrived at might be the farthest... read more
“So, how did this happen?! When did you decide?” Volunteers are often asked that question when they’re heading to or returning from volunteering abroad. Any serious volunteer would embrace that the decision to pack a bag and live in an unfamiliar... read more
A marvelous group of students from Wilmington College, Ohio volunteered at Namunyak Masai Welfare, Kilgoris, Kenya in December, 2014. To catch a glimpse of the kind of invigorating and life-changing experience a volunteer can have at one of our programs, read on …... read more
A while back an article in The Guardian posed the question – ‘Is “sustainability” going the way of “eco” and “green”?’ The newspaper spurred its readers to tweet and poll on ‘#sustywords’ that invoke... read more