Joshua Braunstein hopes he was able to give the people of Common Ground as much as he received from them. “The accommodations make you feel right at home and Mama Sandra and Mama Elizabeth make one mean chapatti.”
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Ian Crump began his stay at Common Ground, just outside of Kitale in the west of Kenya, and was met with open arms by everyone. This feeling continued as I traveled to the Namunyak Maasai Welfare project.
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Three weeks spent volunteering at Mama na Dada allowed Mariel Rosen to make lasting friendships and unforgettable memories with people who were more welcoming than she could ever imagine.
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Kara Berneathy visits Namunyak Maasai Welfare and teaches young girls about empowerment, cares for orphans and meets with women’s group advancing through business.
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Caroline Cardosi spent most every day at Mama na Dada day care with the children and then would go to the clinic to help with immunization day. “The kids were absolutely the most amazing kids ever.”
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Amie Wystrach stayed in a small house built for volunteers while teaching at ELAND. “Unlike the traditional mud walled and dirt floor Maasai houses; ours has concrete floors, wood walls and a tin roof.”
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