Our Initiatives
Village Volunteers acknowledges that community members know how to solve their communities’ problems, but may not have access to the necessary resources and support. Village Volunteers brings together
Your donation has an impact on community-led health programs, education, clean water, sustainable agriculture and small business.
Social Businesses
Empowering Women Period: Biodegradable Sanitary Pads
A Sustainable Social Enterprise Producing Biodegradable Sanitary Pads Serving a Vulnerable Population
Empowering Women Period is a woman-run social enterprise that manufactures biodegradable sanitary pads made from water hyacinth and/or other biodegradable materials. A key mission of Empowering Women Period is empowering marginalized women and to distribute biodegradable sanitary pads to at-risk girls. With the provision of safe and hygienic sanitary care, girls can stay in school and comfortably manage their periods. Donate today!
A Social Enterprise Making Water Filters
The Ceramic Water Filter Project increases access to clean drinking in Kenya through the production and distribution of locally-manufactured and sourced, low-cost ceramic water filters. These filters last for three years and provide clean water for 10-12 people a day in areas where people collect water from unsafe drinking water sources.water. The program provides local economic opportunities through the social enterprise designed to educate on drinking water safety. Donate today!
Training Programs
Sustainable Farming and Agriculture Project
A Model for Healthy, Practical and Sustainable Agricultural Techniques
The agriculture project promotes sustainable farming methods and education through demonstration farms, workshops, seed saving and the development of tree nurseries. The establishment of community seed banks encourages sustainable crop production and supports enhanced biodiversity. Bio-intensive farming methods bring about significant, long term change in resource-poor, small-scale farming communities. Donate today!
Micro & Social Enterprise Development Project
Supporting Economic Self-Sufficiency for Women
Local social enterprises use a business model applying market-driven strategies to provide products or services that serve the community or solve social challenges. Social enterprises and women-run businesses use village micro-credit programs like table banking where the small interest paid goes back to the village fund to support other entrepreneurs. Donate today!
Combating Poverty, Malnutrition, and Environmental Degradation
The Moringa Tree Project facilitates the development of Moringa tree nurseries in rural communities. With more than 90 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants, the Moringa tree has rightfully been nicknamed the “miracle tree” and is commonly used to combat malnutrition. Donations plant trees and buy powdered moringa from women’s groups to provide nutrition to preschool children with malnutrition or sickle cell anemia. Donate today!
Sickle Cell Anemia Health Project
A Neglected Cause of Early Childhood Mortality in Sub Saharan Africa
In partnership with Dr. Marie Ojiambo / Sickle Strong Initiative and Peter Kithene’s Mama Maria Clinic and Hospital in Kenya, we have set up a program that gives medical, pre-med students, public health nutrition, and therapy students the opportunity to intern in a setting to support those affected by sickle cell disease (SCD). Even in the absence of medication, health, education has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing SCD mortality in young children. Donate today!
Education Support
The Butterfly Project: College Scholarships for Women
Creating a Brighter Future for Young Women and their Communities
The Butterfly Project provides college education opportunities for promising young East African women from impoverished communities. Those chosen are committed to serving their rural communities through careers in education or nursing but lack the necessary financial resources to pursue their dreams. Donate today!
Supporting Vulnerable Children Project
Providing Education and Support to Vulnerable Children
Access to good nutrition, health care and the opportunity to pursue an education are fundamental to a child’s well-being through sponsorships that provide education, medical care, nutrition, feeding programs for preschool children and support through our partner-run program schools. Donate today!