Sirua Aulo Academy RoofTHE INITIAL PROJECT

Sirua Aulo Academy is now a reality thanks to the vision and passion of Emmanuel Tasur, founder and director of Namunyak Maasai Welfare. The roof has been completed on three new classrooms as well as an office block in Transmara, Kenya.

The school currently has 163 students in attendance and that number is quickly growing. This growth is, in part, due to many wonderful donors, Jarod Ramirez and his family, and Village Volunteer Steven Biggs who has contributed six months of his construction skills and support.


Plans are being completed by Australian architect, Brad Jamieson, to build two new dormitories. These buildings will house orphaned children or children who live far from the school so that they can receive an education.

To support the growth of this school, please donate. Children will thrive because of you.