Kick It with Kenya

KIWK TournamentKenyan youth face critical issues every day. HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, sanitation, substance abuse are just a few examples. Kick it with Kenya, the second annual week-long soccer conference, will take place in Dago Village this year, educating participants on these issues while leading soccer practice and tournament games.

During the month of August, you can volunteer for the Kick it with Kenya Tournament. Donations are needed to buy uniforms, provide food and clean water for the participants and to provide a mobile medical clinic for testing and health checks for children under five. With help from supporters like you, Village Volunteers hopes to expand this program, holding tournaments in other regions next year.

Michele FujiTo learn more, email or apply at Michele Fuji, two time Village Volunteer alum from Washington State, organized Kick it with Kenya in 2008 with Kenyan medical professional, Charles Wambulwa. Her constant engagement offers strong support through promotion, fundraising and organization.