This post is written by an iron-willed young woman who refused to let go of her dream of getting an education. Anne Barbara Simiyu is currently a student at the extraordinary Lenana Girls’ High School in Kitale, Kenya, run by our partnering organization Common... read more
By Jeff Loehring I decided to venture to Kenya on September 4, 2013. I had never traveled outside of the United States…so arriving in Nairobi was eye opening and exciting, to say the least. My blood was pumping as I tried to take in the environment around me. No... read more
By Brett Weiss On June 8th I took off from O’Hare Airport on my fourth trip to Kenya in the last 6 years. I was joined by Emily Egan who is a Religion Teacher at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL. I am a Social Studies Teacher at Bartlett High School in... read more
In 2013, a wonderful young man named Sterling Dragoo, a gap year student, was the first of our volunteers to go to Mountain View Eco Farm in Nepal. We are so grateful for this warm and poignant piece that Sterling wrote about his volunteer experience at... read more
Over the years Village Volunteers’ partnering organizations have shared their knowledge and experience of working with volunteers, and this has helped us greatly in refining our volunteer program. We’ve come to the core understanding that through our... read more
I met Joshua Machinga of Common Ground for Africa in 2001, Joshua and I knew almost immediately that we would work together to support local farmers as we shared a deep concern for the erosion of sustainable farming methods. But what also struck me was his... read more